
Welcome, would you like to win an award for your anime page?
There are provided three awards for Rurouni Kenshin, Magic Knight Rayearth and Evangelion

Rurouni Kenshin Award Sample
Rurouni Kenshin Award
Original size: 300x462 pixels sized approx 97kb
To win this award, your site must have at least 50% Rurouni Kenshin content
Clamp Award Sample
Original size: 280x393 pixels sized approx 73 kilobytes
To win this award, your site must have at least 50% CLAMP content
(Any manga created by CLAMP is acceptable)
Neon Genesis Evangelion Sample
Neon Genesis Evangelion Award
Original size: 289x239 pixels sized approx 23 kilobytes
To win this award, your site must have at least 50% Evangelion content

New award graphics - 30 december 00

It is not a very hard award to be won, I would consider the winner by seeing the design of the page, how efficient it is, and the most important one.. how hard you've made it!

After couples of these awards have been given, I might change the award graphics, you may check and apply the suitable award for your anime page.

If you really want to win the previous displayed award, you may tell me through the form below and we can talk about it ^_^

The procedure is (1) make sure that your site follow the rules (2) fill in the form below

The Rules :

1. Must be related to Rurouni Kenshin or MKR or Evangelion
2. Not an under construction page
3. Not an offensive, hentai or adult site

The Form :
Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

What's your URL/Webpage Address?

What's your Page's Title?

What type of Anime is your page?

Write a Brief Description of Your Page

FREE feedback form powered by FreeForm

Thank You for Submiting your page, only the winner would receive the news (with the award) via email as soon as I can

The possiblity of win would be increases if:

1. Your page has Javascript, Applets, Flash, or any other special effects
2. Your page loads quickly
3. Signing my guestbook

E-Mail me to

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since 30 July 1998