Daniel 5:25

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin


Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.
Pray that it is not too late.
Your actions in the oval office,
Open you up for such a fate.

God has placed you,
In a leading role.
I fear that you now,
Are digging a big hole.

Ancient Babylon fell so quickly,
It fell under the Mede's power.
Laid waste in its' glory;
Its' fall took less than an hour.

Our fall could be even quicker,
Weapons of war ... aimed at us.
Our evil deeds are our downfall.
Our fate could be thus.

Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.
Is the handwriting on the wall?
Repent. Listen to God's counsel,
Lest our country have a great fall.

Great would be its' fall, thereof.
A nation laid waste by God's wrath.
Men trusting in their own devices.
Obliterated, pushed aside from God's path.

Haughty, arrogant, without understanding;
A people depraved and ignorant.
Hearts hardened against the Lord's salvation.
Worthy of death, for they would not repent.

It's up to you now, Mr. President.
Your actions as leader of our nation,
Corporately involves us in the same judgment.
Likewise, the same justification.

We the people of The United States,
Seek to retain our national sovereignty.
Don't sell us into slavery,
Nor national poverty.

Our fate is in your hands, Bill.
'Tis you that decides our fate.
Our nation's strong Christian heritage,
Is what made our country great.

Copyright 1999

Ronald E. Guilfoyle

All Rights Reserved

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