To men and women in need of
renewal in there marriages.

Recommit Your Lives


Recommit your lives to each other,
Give yourselves a fresh new start.
Abandon worries at Jesus' feet,
Let His peace reign within your heart.

Don't worry about this world's cares,
For you are His very own,
Trust in Him for all your needs;
For He's the precious living Stone.

He is the Rock of Ages,
He is a Tower of Strength.
He promised to be with you,
He'll go to any length.

We love you very dearly.
This we want you to know.
But God loves you beyond all others,
Our God truly loves you so.

So put your cares on Him,
For He does care for you.
God's grace abounds to many,
His grace abounds to you.

Ronald E. Guilfoyle

Copyright 1996, 1999 Ronald E. Guilfoyle
All Rights Reserved

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