You Have Been Entrusted


You have been entrusted.
The knowledge of Him is yours.
You have the mind of Christ.
From you, His mercy should outpour.

Be ready with the truth.
Proclaim the Word of God...
That others may hear and live,
Convicted by the Holy Spirit of God.

Exhort others in this world.
Lead them by the hand...
To the Saviour, Jesus Christ.
This is God's command.

Many will not listen.
They will just not hear.
They will listen to just what they want...
Due to their itching ear.

False teachers shall arise.
The Word says so, it's true.
Be patient and spread the Word.
Our service to God is due.

Remain steadfast in the Lord.
Endure all that comes your way.
Some will receive Him at your witness.
For these, continue to pray.

Ronald E. Guilfoyle

Copyright 1999 Ronald E. Guilfoyle
All Rights Reserved

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