Christ's Life Was Lived For Me |
Lord, You came according to Your Word.
You had a virgin birth.
You relinquished Your seat in glory...
To make atonement for this earth.
Lord, You walked along that road.
You carried that cross for me.
You were scourged at that pillar,
You were hanged upon that tree.
You gave up Your Spirit.
You sank into the bowels of death,
But You were resurrected...
Defeating Satan, Sin, and Death!
You're alive... alive forevermore!
Your grave is empty!
You have done all of this!
You have truly set us free!
Satan, our adversary,
Points out our every fault.
But by Your sacrifice, Lord,
We can now mount our assault!
You are alive forevermore!
You are the Captain of the Host!
When we follow You, Lord,
The demons tremble most!
You are triumphant, Lord!
We don our battle armor.
We are victorious in You, Lord!
I pray we bring You honor.
Hell's gates are crumbling,
And Satan is a liar.
Though he still roams this earth,
His destiny is a lake of fire!
He is doomed to the second death.
You know he shall have his hour.
But, Jesus, You're an awesome God.
Your blood is still full of power!
Ronald E. Guilfoyle
Copyright 1999
Ronald E. Guilfoyle