A Relationship With God


Lord, I relinquish everything.
Lord, all is vanity in the end.
Lord, help me submit to You totally...
Allow earthly desires to waft away in the wind.

As a wind carries away smoke,
And fans a field afire...
Lord, kindle in my heart Your Spirit.
Let Your righteousness be my desire.

Help me to desire that relationship,
With You on the throne of my heart...
Intimate communion with You, Lord,
Seeking You first in my heart.

Help me to be obedient.
Help me to keep You in first place.
Help me to be bold in Your behalf,
Help me to always seek Your face.

Help me to die to self,
To be crucified with You.
To set myself apart from the world...
To be a part of You.

(C) Copyright 1999
Ronald E. Guilfoyle
All Rights Reserved

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