Dance of the People

Dance all my Brothers
Set your spirit free
Dance all my Sisters
Rejoice all Cherokee!

Cast your spirit to the wind
Dance the dance again
Soar with the eagle
Rejoice all Cheyenne!

Fly above the mountains
Glide across the sea
Flow with the drums
Rejoice all Apache and Cree!

Remember our ancestors
Stand proud and tall
Dance with a pride
Rejoice all Choctaw!

See me oh Great Spirit
For I dance for you
Thankful for the honor
Of being born Sioux!

Teach all the Little Ones
This is my prayer
Learn all the dances
Children of the Delaware

In the eyes of the Spirit
We are all one relation
So Dance People Dance
Regardless of your Nation.

Cloud Dancing
Sept 4, 1999

You can click on the above pictures to enlarge and see the story behind the dance.

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May the Spirit of the Great
One guide you in your journeys!!

Dancers of Life

Since Sept 4, 1999