Fear can be defined
As the false appearing real
It can be very deadly
For living it will steal

To advance with caution
Is sound advise
But paralyzing fear
Will extract it's price

Fear is a monster
That will corrupt the soul
Create a huge void
As black as coal

It must be confronted
Looked in the eyes
It's the only way
To make the fear die

So if you seek freedom
From being afraid
Ask with a prayer
HE will come to your aid.

For faith in Grandfather
Can erase the fears
Soothe your spirit
Dry all your tears

By opening your heart
And letting HIM in
There isn't a battle
Together you can't win

So draw up the sword
Given from HIM on high
Slay the dragon
Let the fear die

Enjoy the freedom
Grandfather gives
Stop being afraid
Start now to LIVE!

Cloud Dancing
November 23, 1998

Walk in Peace

More Pages Created in Friendship with Durango, a True artist.

Continue The Dance With Cloud

Slayers of Fear

February 12, 2000