The journey home begins
With a babe's first breath
Continuing through this life
Til the last gasp on death.

The road can be winding
Have many twists and turns
All have a reason
A lesson to be learned.

The trail may be rocky
Made of sharp stones
The passage so narrow
It must be walked alone.

Thru the dew covered valleys
Across the mountain streams
Explore the possibilities
Always follow the dreams.

The path may join another
Merging into one
So two may walk together
Towards the setting sun.

Listen to the Wind
Hear the whispered sound
As Grandfather guides you to
The road Homeward Bound.

Cloud Dancing
January 15, 2000

Walk in Peace

Homeward Bound
Continue The Dance With Cloud

Created with Durango, a True artist and Friend.

Durango's Index

Very Special Friends

Souls Homeward Bound

Since February 27, 2000