Message of the Wind

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Sometimes I walk along the path
Feeling naked and all alone
Only myself and Grandmother
Among the rocks of stone.

Only one can help me find
The answers that I seek
So on the wind's breath
To Grandmother I speak

Help me Oh Mother of All
I cry like the loon
My spirit is as bleek
As a night without the moon

As I moan about my misfortunes
And whimper an ugly sound
I fail to see the wonders
Grandmother spread upon the ground

I close my eyes to the beauty
She placed along the way
Seeing only the rose's thorns
Not the buds that'll bloom today

A whisper on the wind
I hear calling to me
A soft gentle voice
Blowing through the trees.

Happiness will warm the soul
But it must come from within
This is the message
Sent to me upon the wind

Cloud Dancing

Walk in Peace

Continue The Dance With Cloud

Created in Friendship with Durango, a True artist.

Durango's Index

For more about the artist

Listeners of the Wind

Since November 27, 1999