As time goes by, the
world around us changes,
The things we valued
most just seemed to fade;
The 'Golden Rule'
we once professed to live by,
Is disappearing fast,
I am afraid.
Where once we always
said "Do unto others
as you would have
others do unto you";
To many now say "Do
unto yourself,
what others once expected
you to do".
The values we once
taught to all our children,
That we thought would
set them up for life,
Alas, appear to be,
by many parents,
To be forgotten...look
at kids in strife.
Where once we took
our kids along to Church,
Parents, these days
take them to the club;
Where once we often
took them to the milk bar,
Parents take them
now to the pub.
Truthfulness and honesty
and respect,
Are traits we strove
to to teach to all the young;
But now these virtues
too are disappearing,
All our old time values
are unsung.
Too many times we're
heard to blame the children,
For doing things we
never would have done;
Things our parents
once set by example,
Too many old time
battles not now won.
But some of us are
still proud of the things
We have achieved in
bringing up our kids;
And some of us still
like to set examples,,
Of values that we
would not sell for quids.
So somehow we have
got to find the answer,
How do we set the
clocks back quite some time;
We all must stand
and take an active interest,
In wiping out cruelty,
waste and crime.
Let's all join hands
and strive for good together,
Before we find our
efforts are too late;
So we do not become
far to complacent,
It must be done now....or
'twill be too late.