The Bride and Groom

<bgsound src="truelove_rsjames.mid" controls="smallconsole" loop=infinite>

You are listening to a midi of Rebecca St. James "True Love" song.

The Bride and the Groom

Whispered softly,
His name comes to me.
The wind carries it,
The trees sing it.
He's crying out to me.
His undying love is known at once.
On his knees he's praying for me,
"Keep her safe, Lord."
He doesn't know me, yet.
We'll find each other.
Meanwhile, every night he cries,
"Save yourself for me,
I'm saving myself for you."
I wait for him,
Just knowing he's waiting for me.
It's not easy,
Johnny's got the moves.
It came close, but I waited.
He wasn't the one.
I'm glad I waited.
Johnny died yesterday....
He had AIDS.
I pray for "him",
"May he stay safe, Lord."
Susy almost got him,
With her sultry voice
She coulda fooled anyone.
But not him,
He waited....
Susy's got a kid, at 16.
Her life's over.
His just started.
I'm glad he waited.
Oh, wedding bliss.
Miracle of miracles.
United only to each other.
They waited.
By:Christy Yelcich

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