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Ciao!! I'm DANIELE.
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I'm trying to make up the page much better: unfortunately, my time is always short...and I'm still learning!!...

Need books, CD? Save your time and browse down here... PLEASE CLICK HERE! THIS IS ME IN FRONT OF MY WORKPLACE
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just click into the black box!! should be worthwhile!

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picture PLEASE CLICK HERE! THIS IS THE BEST ON-LINE BOOKSTORE OF THE WORLD Just push the "BACK" button of your browser to go back to the previous page

Hi, people! Please visit the following site(it's always to have fun!):

I've just begun to think about what to do once retired. ... buy a small piece of land on one of the Pacific Island area, as for instance, or in Barbados, why not.... Isn't it good? Any suggestions?>

Remember Beatles' song: "YOU KNOW MY NAME"?
I'd like you to have my name pronounced Italian style! OK?
The final "E" sounds like "a". Just try now. So, "YOU KNOW MY NAME"? yeah! DANIELE

By the way, would you like to visit my job site? Here's the address:

TODAY's date: August 27th.,1999: back from holydays. Are there still so many roses? are you still looking for happyness? I do...

GET LINKED TO! Just submit your name and enter the ring....

I'm very interested on the Italian places related to WW2 battles, meanly for what Gothic Line is concerned (a German 320 Km long fortificated system going from Pesaro on the Adriatic Sea to Massa Carrara, a town upon Florence): may anybody help me to find some interesting site on such a matter or - that could be the best - a living witness? (On Aug. 31st, 1944 Colonnel David Kinloch was commanding the "B" squadron of British Columbia Dragoons Tank Regiment)
I really glad someone has already come to help me on such a matter: thanks!!
One of them is Rudy Preus, a retired Canadian Air Force Pilot. I'm very proud to introduce his Stained Glass hobby work to all the incoming friends and visitors: please check his site at
I'm also very pleased to introduce 57-18 Brasil
This is the page of the Brazilian Association of Hunters Pilots who's site is .

I would also like to mention David Beroff (

Well, in the meantime, try to reach me by E-mail at

How's the latest Pink Floyd's work?
Nobody knows the town of Ferrara?>
Come and visit it!!

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