Well, I've recently spent $20 bucks to get a bunch of not-too-old photos scanned. It wasn't too bad, only about a buck a pic. I went here. He pleased me. He did something that no other man has ever done for me.... But I do digress.

The local Ritz Camera Center asked $5 per pic! And they refused to let me use my own, sealed package of disks fearing that I might give them a virus!. OH! What a pain in the ass!
This guy's good, though. Curtious and he has several pages of stuff if you ever get into HTML trouble.
So, here are some of those pics with delightful little captions to go with them. Enjoy!

Okay, let's time warp back to May, 1996. The weather was temperate, the limo money was left at home, and movies only cost $1. Believe it!

Bruce being suave...................Karl being suave

AAH!..The morning after. No one who knows me believes this is me when they first see this pic. I might try for the curly-haired thing again when(ever) I get a hair cut.



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