Julie's Patrick
This true story goes to show you that anything can happen when you least expect it. I had heard about people meeting on the Internet, but it always sounded strange to me . . . I thought it was the last place in the world I would find my true love.

I have been a member of AOL since I first got my own computer in 1994. For the first couple months I explored the infamous chat rooms. I got tired of being approached by weirdos looking for "cybersex", so I quit visiting altogether. The novelty faded, and I basically only used the Internet for research and homework. This way, I only met people who had similar interests and found me by my profile. Then one night while I was doing some homework, an "Instant Message" appeared on my screen from someone I didn't know. He spoke very broken English and told me he was a painter, I said, "Oh yea, so what do you paint?" Anyhow, we really got nowhere. I thought he painted houses or something. So that was that and I got back to my homework.

A couple of nights later, this same guy came back to talk to me about painting and art, I started asking him questions like: "Who are you?", and "How did you find me?"Finally after many misunderstandings and lots of typing, I found out that he was an unemployed Architect/ employed Computer Scientist, from Marseille, France, or so he said. Of course, I didn't know if he was being honest at first, but I enjoyed talking with him. Then I was in the "Willie crisis" and he was so sincerely disturbed about my cat missing that I really started to warm up to him. He wrote a letter to the "bitch" (see story) across the street telling of his disapproval in such a sweet manner, that I was in no way worried about ill intentions.

We slowly became closer and got to know each others values and dreams. He drank Pastis, which I had never heard of, and soon, he mailed me a package with all kinds of thoughtful gifts. I sent him a package with some of my favorite music and some American cigarettes. This relationship did not start off as a romantic one at first, just similar interests and tastes.

plane Anyway, a few months passed, and I mentioned that the band "LIVE" (who he had grown to love from the tape I sent) was playing in Daytona, and I had bought tickets to go. He said he wished so much that he could come, and I jokingly said, "You fly, I'll buy!" (the concert tickets) He said he would ask his boss. I never imagined it would actually happen, but it did!

It's Me - Patrick! Meanwhile, I had no idea what this guy looked like, but it didn't matter, we had become good friends and that was enough. After he got his plane ticket, we really started talking constantly, via phone and computer. I started developing strong feelings for him, kind of strange, I know, but I loved his spirit, nothing else mattered.

Finally, I wanted to know what he looked like so I could recognize him at the airport and he drew a quick picture on the computer, it looks like him too!

He would wear blue jeans, a yellow shirt, a green jacket and carried a red bag so I would know him. (How could I miss him!) As it turned out, I was pleasantly surprised. He was nice looking and tall. He greeted me with a warm kiss and a tender smile. He is very shy but very charismatic. He came bearing gifts too. He brought French perfume for my mother and me, French wine, a beautiful silk scarf that his aunt had made, some very good "strong" coffee and almond confections. Then he also told me before he left that he had hidden something else for my mother and me in my room.

Story ~ continued ~ on next page


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