My friend, Willie, suffers from a BAD CATTITUDE, but ya gotta love him . . . he likes to be vacuumed, he likes dogs, even after a pitt bull locked its jaws on his head...he is fearless, but make no mistake . . . he's not real brilliant, at least, I don't think he is . . . He has a box fetish and a bag fetish and he is the KING of manipulation . . . but he is well worth every morsel! and he is well aware of it!
Please pray for Willie's return . . . A "Christian" lady across the street has been trapping cats by enticing them into a cage with tuna fish. Willie fell for it and ended up in kitty prison. Willie escaped and nobody has seen him since... I hope he will find his way home . . . Anyway, I am still hoping that my Willie will come home...him and Pastaga would be great friends, but I have a feeling that he found another home where the food is better, because that's the way he is...a free cat with a weakness for "wet" food!!! heartbreaking as this was, there is still some good that came out of it... My online friend Patrick in Marseille, France and I became closer by his sharing my sorrow for the loss of Willie... and also our mutual love of the band LIVE...Patrick came to visit me for 10 days in Sept/Oct.f 97...we went to Daytona and saw Live, then we went to animal control and adopted a cat that would have been put to sleep if we had not saved him.

His name is "Pastaga", which is slang in Marseille for Pastis...(an anise based apartif that Patrick drinks) I was very sad to see Patrick go home, so was Pastaga...(he slept on his luggage as if to keep him here) Pastaga is a beautiful grey cat with amber eyes and a big fluffy tail, he kinda looks like a squirrell. ~UPDATE~ Still no Willie :( but Pastaga is coming into his own! He is very companionable and has many cat friends as well as human fans. The wacko across the street has gotten her cat trap back out despite neiborhood rumors that she was tired of recieving humiliating snail mail from animal lovers of the world, even as far as France! Please pray that she doesn't catch any animals. I refuse to let some redneck floozy take away my cat's freedom to be a natural cat, he likes to go out and play with his friends and catch bugs as cats are supposed to do. Pastaga is a friendly nuetured cat with all his shots but has no rights, according to the law, he is supposed to be on a leash (ridiculous) he even has little jingle bells so that he can't harm birds!!! Well, guess she has "won,"I. now Pastaga is competely an inside cat. Animal control issued us a $50 citation, supposedly, Pastaga shit under her azalea bush..she then threw a big turd in our driveway. The bitch is crazy, first of all, cats cover thier shit, second, Pastaga hadn't even been outside! Now we have to contest the citation so we don't have to pay $50 and so she can't do this us every day.
This neighborhood has changed, nobody even has pets anymore, she has killed them all or thier owners have just given up... I am not giving up, I will see what the judge says about this and if I have to, I will get a lawyer and file harrassment charges against the bitch! Enough about that... Patrick and I are still growing closer, he might even move here. H. came back March 9th to learn more English and to make sure that we want to share our lives together before he closed his home in France. Ok, thesecond visit was a success! we have decided it is a good thing. Now it is just a matter of time, he is working on getting a work visa so he can come back for good. Please wish us all luck! Merci



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