In the November issue of Tickle Spot you can enjoy these images of the MOMMY Goddess- Goddess Giver of Teddy Bears, Storyteller Goddess, and more. Her playful side is not often depicted TICKLE SPOT is taking care of that open nitch in the chronicaling of the Goddess. She is the one of delight.She is the one of JOY. She is the one who loves us,just loves us. And we are the TICKLE SPOT of a delighted MOMMY Goddess.

The next selection puts and explaination to the name "Tickle Spot". It is an excerpt from the poem "Does Mother Nature have a tickle spot?" I poesed this question to the Universe only as a lark. Then in a meditation this answer came to me.

Does Mother Earth have a tickle spot?

......... Then, as I began to write
The Mother touched my hand.
Where was this"spot"?
Where was this place
where touching there
would make the Mother laugh
where feeling there
would lift Her cares aloft
and bring Her joy?

I'd heard the Mother whispering.

What place upon your watery globe so round
upon your form with fire inside
where wafting winds enclose your sides
and soil makes you solid
is the place that brings
your joy 'round when touched?

Her answer made me shake
and tears came to my eyes.
She said that that place
that "tickle spot"
was ....

We are all the tickle spots
of a delighted MOMMY Goddess!


by Carol Gentlepeople
CAROL is of UKRAINIAN Ancestory

1. Purchice cross stitch material in
the size you like. I prefer 14
count,as it is big enough to work on,
without eyes strain.
2. Draw silly faces on it with marker.
Remember to leave enough room to
stitch it in.
3.Give the faces hair in any color -
the wilder the better.
note: To those who say they can't sew,
I and sewing spit at each other.And
the sewing machine wins. YOU CAN DO THIS.


(Read this like you're calling a Square Dance)

There's a dance called
Here's how ya do it.

Lift one leg
and skip to the side.
Lift the other leg
and skip to the side.
Keep on doin' that
dancing 'round a circle.
That's how ya do the

Claim your space like the dogs
when they're leakin'.
Laugh when ya do it. It's good for you.


"Dancing Over the Line"

There was actually a point in time when the change happened, when I felt fully "in the Sacred Clown expression". Here's the story.

The lullaby CD was playing the rousing square dance sound of "Dance little Baby", sung by Jody Collins. I twirled and stomped and whirled around till I fell on he floor laughing, as the song danced me.
I didn't care if my laughing sounded ridiculous. I was held in a timeless moment. The gentle hand that held me there belonged to my "Mother". My body had no tightness or pain or fear. When the words of the song came to ... "Never mind baby. Mother is by.", I didn't have to know what it meant. I was experiencing the warmth and security of the "Mother of All Mothers" for myself. I could tell that Her eyes sparkled, as She watched me with delight. Love filled the space of the experience so completely that no thought of danger could come close. I danced over a line that day. I LIKE IT HERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THAT LINE.
What happened was an experience. I don't have to memorize it to keep it. It belongs to me. The magic of it is mine. The happiness that I felt was real. It's like that's what woke up in me at that time - happiness and JOY. And I became a Sacred Clown.
-- Heart Dancer

JOY Wisdom
from 10 Ways to Renew your Happiness
and Reclaim your Inner Child
by Lenora Poppa

1) Walk around in public, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Smiles not only help you feel better but are contegious. (And make other people wonder what you're up to.)

from "Eating My Way Home" by Robyn Posen

" Through this practice, I have learned enormous trust in my body-knowings and in my emotional responses. I have learned that when I give myself safe space in which to be feeling, raging , howling, crying, vegetating or sleeping when I needed that, it never goes on forever. Only when I keep trying to control and transcend these emotions, do they seem to become overwhelming and bottomless. I have learned that peace, serenity, graciousness and true generosity of spirit are born out of a compassionate commitment to take loving good care of one's own being, first."

thoughts about vibration

by Heart Dancer

Sound and movement are so similar.
What is a movement but a vibration
enlarged and put into easily viewed
matter? So, what does a movement
"sound" like? Maybe it's so slow that
our ears don't percieve it. Maybe
it's music to the eyes. Maybe all
things that we see are music whose sounds
escape the ears and are put into
music by the eyes. Maybe the the music
that the eyes see is just as symbolic and
meaningful as the imagery put
into a poem. Maybe beauty is the poetic
music that the eyes hear.

SOME CHOICES to give a little LIFE

Buy a clown nose for yourself. Use it to
give yourself a little LIFE when
you need it. A few seconds in a rest
room stall while wearing a clown nose
can bring back chuckle dividends the
rest of the day.

a poem NOW!

Hug me now!
Don't wait till the "fullness of time"
when it eases out of you so perfectly.
Hug me now - hard.


- Shamanic Craft

As you put the pieces for the belt
together they become one piece.
It's possible that the experience of
doing this can give you an awareness
that you and I who are made of many we,
the Earthling people are "one
piece" too, with all our diverse
combinations of National and Ethnic
backrounds. And since TICKLE SPOT
celebrates we who are of mixed cultures,
let's have some fun.

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