
Hard to believe that I've had this site up for a little over a year! My goal is to begin updating much of my site, as it's been pretty much the same FOR said year or so. This main page will hopefully be reworked and my personal link will have some updated pictures of me. In case, oh gentle reader, you were wondering... all the pictures of your's truly website are all over two years old.

At any rate, I hope you enjoy your romp throughout my soon to be updated site.

Now, let's get on to some semi-important stuff. First on the agenda, why do I go by the name Naiad? Or... more importantly....

What *is* a naiad?

jwmerm.jpg - 12.59 K Well, the dictionary states a naiad as being a water nymph. Naiad is also the name of one of Neptune's orbiting moons. I first came across the name whilst reading a baby name book. Later on, while playing on a MUD <*Don't* even say it!> I took the name as my handle, and it just stayed with me when I joined my current server. I also have an affinity for the name, having been born under the astrological sign of Pisces. I know what you're thinking... cheesy, new-age star-crap, but, I must say that I fit the stereotypical description of a pisces to a perfect match. Neptune is the ruling planet over my sign, so... I guess I truly am a naiad! ;P

Now, don't you feel enlightened?

No? Well... in that case, since this is my page after all, and I am trying to be a good hostess, why don't you find out more about me?

Or, perhaps you could give a rat's rosy ass about who I am, and instead visited to check out my page about one of my favourite places on earth, the Planting Fields Arboretum of Oyster Bay, NY! Do check it out, as I had to toil across magnificent gardens on a beautiful day taking pictures for the page, with naught but brie and mineral water to sustain me ;)

Or, how about checking out my ever growing links page?

OR... how about checking out my newest addiction, Everquest? Or, click here to see a screen shot of my on-line alterego;) Hopefully soon I will make a little character storyline for myself, but, for now ye can survey my little bard self.

Welps, that about does it for me right now. I think my ears are going to start bleeding if I type anymore HTML, and the siren call of Everquest calleth... so, I hope you enjoyed your visit here. Until your return, I wish you well.


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Ready to tell me how much you adore my site? E-mail me at naiad@banet.net.

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