Welcome to my take on the obligatory "links" page.
Well... I'm creating this page at almost 2am and suffering from a spell of insomnia. Hopefully these links will entertain, should you find yourself in a similar position early one morning.
Links to people!
- This link leads to the homepage of my best friend, Gena. Besides being my best friend, Gena has alot of other great qualities. *sMiRk!* She's brilliant and... grand enough to swing with the likes of moi! ;)
- This is the absolute love of my life, Adrian. My brilliant soul mate whom I adore beyond comprehension. Visit the website of the man, the skater-punk, the legend... and, well, the only person I'd travel to the likes of Ohio to be with ;)
- This link is to a new acquaintance of mine, Robyn Bellospirito. She chanced upon my website while looking up the Planting Fields in a websearch. She recently made her own tribute to the lovely estate. Besides having her page about the Planting Fields, she has numerous paintings she has done in her on-line gallery. You *MUST* go see her art! She is just fabulous.. in fact, forget about my page... go to her site right now! ;P
Okay,... since I'm one of the biggest cosmetic junkies in the universe, here is a list of some pretty keen make-up companies. Enjoy!
- This will take you to the Philosophy homepage. They make *awesome* products that I can't rave highly enough about. The sales pitch for some of the items are downright cheesy, but, who cares... the stuff does the job and does it well.
- Ah... Hard Candy! Alot of great stuff gets churned out of this company. I'm not too keen on the lipsticks, but, I'm a devout fan of their eye stuff. Check out the glitter eyeliner pencils and their eyeshadow compacts when this site comes up later in the winter. Should be superb!
- This link is to the Aveda company. They are one of the few major cosmetic companies that has made great success while being respectful to earth and animals.
- This is the Aubrey Organics link. They make awesome products. Their green tea line is especially nice.
- This link will take you to the Lipstick Page. It's a nice reference for alot of lipstick colours out there, as well as having a nice cosmetic link section.
- Lush Canada! I love this company. They make great, great things. Since I can't get their products at any stores by me, their on-line shopping service is a lifesaver.
- The Anna Sui website is not fully up in English just yet. But, you can still see the products and color charts. I have a few of her cosmetics and they are a black clad's dream come true. Cool packaging done by the Queen of high fashion goth herself.
Medieval, and Fantasy Links
I also happen to be very interested in both medieval and fantasy sci/fi things. (Isn't this a surprise?) Here are some good sites I have had the pleasure of coming across in my web browsing travels.
- This is to the House of Glendrakon homepage. Their site is simply amazing. Links to all things interesting and a very nice font resource. Kudos to the makers.
- This will take you to the Maspien Armours website. Though expensive, the items *appear* to be of good quality make. I'd suggest having your credit card number handy while visiting ;)
- This link will take you to the Renaissance Faire homepage. Here you will find links to different armouries and period costume makers. Check out the Black Prince chainmail. Just amazing work! I have already promised myself that *one* year I am actually going to purchase one of the beautiful pieces at the Renaissance Faire at Sterling, NY.
And just some good, ol' sites to visit!
- Check out the ingenious The Ultimate Bad Candy Web Site! I laughed so hard tears sprang to my eyes. I suggest choosing the Happy Plum option first.
- For those of us with a twisted mind... the Ewok Safari page! I always thought Wicket was kinda cute, but, hey.. I can't say I didn't enjoy taking him down with all the cool weapons a few times.
- For those of you who like to garden, try Garden.Com. This site has the most AMAZING on-line garden planner in which you utilize a garden map, real plant photos and matching coloured "flower" stamps to perfectly design the garden of your dreams. If that wasn't great enough, the service is free, you can order the selections you pick right from them *and* they carry a nice selection of rare specimens, including purple and black flowers. YAY!
- Brian Yoder's Gallery of Paintings. This is an incredible site for alot of wonderful artists from Maxfield Parish to Degas. Tons of beautiful paintings, many with a fantasy theme.
- This is one of the coolest sites I ever came across. The infamous Tamagothi homepage!
- This will take you to the Black Rose on-line, clothing catalogue. AMAZING STUFF! I want one of everything they make!
- Click on the link to get to the Castle Veldrane Clipart homepage. A nice assortment of artwork, animated gifs and ... er, clipart ;) This is a must for people looking to jazz up their webpages. Myself included...
- This link is to the Lori's Fantasy Clipart homepage. I ought to add a link since I pilfered some stuff from it for my own site usage ;)
- Diva Web! Check this awesome site out for links to corset makers and things that squeak when you shimmy into them! If nothing else... this place is one to visit when you need an inspiration to stay on your diet ;)
- Sanrio On-line. Need I say more?
- Tygre's Font's for Freaks page. Not only does this site have many a cool font, but, Tygre herself is awesome. Go see the page and then tell her how great it is!
Welps... more coming soon. Check back again in abit!
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