the barn


 Quietly entering the barn, Rose whispers "This way." You follow, wondering what creature requires such silence. Turning a corner, you look into a stall, and one of the most beautiful, and strange unicorns you have ever seen rears up.


 "This is Shimmer. She's an Easter Unicorn that I got from the Adoption Centre. She's new here, and isn't used to people yet. When she calms down, she's quite gentle, I assure you." With that, Rose offers Shimmer a sugar cube, and strokes her velvety muzzle. Then she turns toward you again. "Would you like to pet her? She's calm now." Reaching out hesitantly, you stroke her neck, wondering at the soft silkiness of it. "She is very beautiful, isn't she," you say. Totally over her jitters now, Shimmer nudges you, nearly pushing you into the wall. Rose grins, "She wants you to scratch above her eyeridge." Complying with the mares commands, you watch as she closes her eyes in bliss. "You've done it now," Rose says, "she'll be you're friend for life! Well, we must be going back out, and let her be. Hopefully soon I can put her in the meadow with the others." With that, she walks back to the barn doors, opening them. "Lets go."