The Forest

Following Ros into the trees, you wonder what would live in here. "I was recently wandering thruogh Leapers Peak." Rose remarks. "If you look very carefully, you can find the most wonderful creatures to adopt. Take Jasper here, for instance. I'm still not sure exactly what he is. Sure, they told me that he's a Rosatal, but before now, I'd never heard of them. So you can imagine my suprise when we found each other. Not that I'd give him up for the world. Besides looking odd, he's one of the smartest critters I've had the luck to meet. I'm lucky he chose me. Anyway, enough of my chattering...let me introduce you to him.



Grinning at the look on your face......"Isn't he the neatest thing you've ever laid eyes on?" Jasper looks at you, *Hello, I'm Jasper. But you know that already, dont you? Rose found me at Leapers Peak. I really was lonely till I saw her. But not anymore.* Jasper turns adoring eyes on Rose. *She's wonderful.* Blushing, Rose looks to you. "He's treated me that way since I found him. Is'nt he darling? I found another new friend at Leapers Peak. Would you like to see her? If not, we really must be going. Maybe next time you visit, I'll have more to show you.