have a natural love for beauty, art and artifacts. Handicrafts attract me a lot everything from pots, clothes, linen to jewelery. Indian pottery made of clay, metal or wood is just lovable. It is my best choice to give or receive as a gift. I enjoy all forms of art - paintings, sculptures and murals . Visiting art exhibitions and curio shops is my hobby, no matter I can afford them or not. And yes, i cannot forget to add the Indian "Sari" is another form of Art and handicraft. It is not only a dress it is the culture and soul of India woven with tremendous sense of love for creativity.

have a good collection of paintings by well known Indian artists. no, not the real ones; some of them have been photographed while visiting exhibitions, art galleries or museums others are taken out from the magazines, journals or diaries. Some of them are framed honouring the walls of my house and some of them are kept safely in files.

My Computer Graphics
Here are some of my computer paintings developed in paintbrush and photoshop.

My Pencil Sketches

Here are two pages of my pencil sketches if you like to have a look...

My Water colour paintings

Here are some of my water colour paintings...

Pearl's Popular Pages

Here are some of my experiments with Java Applets..beautiful pictures arranged with nice words...

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