To see the changes in my graphics since the name changed to El Dorado, Click Here.
Please do not link to these images. If you wish to include any of them
on your page then download them and place them on your PC.
To Save
any of the following, simply position your mouse over the image,
right click on your mouse, then select "Save Image as" from the pulldown
menu. For MAC users, hold the mouse button down for a second and choose
"Save Image as" from a pop up window that will appear.
All of these images were created by me and all of them are FREE for
non commercial use (you can't sell them). Take all you need for your own
personal web pages (however, do not use the one's I used to create this page!). Using my
banner or linking back to me is not required, however if you do use my
banner, email me and send me yours and I will add you to my Link Site and I'll even sign your Guestbook!
Since I didn't like the animations I had displayed on this page, I took them out.
I am currently working on making new ones which I will be adding soon.
Color Manipulator helps you if you want to see what
these Graphics looks like on different colored backgrounds.
No downloads. Just click and see the difference.