graphics index bars bullets backgrounds buttons misc. graphics


This page may take a while to load because it has many images, so please be patient. Thank you.

Please do not link to these images. If you wish to include any of them on your page then download them and place them on your server. To download any of the following on PC, simply position your mouse over the image, right click on your mouse, then select "Save Image as" from the pulldown menu. For MAC users, hold the mouse button down for a second and choose "Save Image as" from a pop up window that will appear.

None of these images were created by me and all of them are FREE for non commercial use (you can't sell them). Take all you need for your own web pages (however, do not use the one's I used to create this page). There's no need to link back... but of course it would be a good idea to let your friends know about this free deal!! Don't ya think? :-Þ



Are you wondering what the graphic you want will look like on your own web page? I thought you might be, so go ahead and click the color of your choice to see what it will look like on different colored backgrounds.

All images on this page are all transparent!


girl woman woman woman woman woman woman


right arrow



Use the drop down box below to Navigate


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I seriously consider Bimson's Free Web Graphics if you're
looking for some hot graphics for your page!


You are the person to be taking advantage of this free site!
This page was first created in October 1998.


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Email me if you have any comments or suggestions. And
check out my link's page if you're looking for more free graphics!


. [Main Page] . [Christian Page] . [Free Graphics] .
. [Anzo's Zone] . [Inspirational Poems] .
. [Avatars] . [Dog Lovers Section] .

Copyright © 1998, 1999 by Jenna Boudreau
Last Updated on September 6, 1999

  Unsure about Copyright Law on the Internet?
Please go here to read about Copyright!