Frames (:-!)


a SoHo Ring Community Artist

Georges Tafelmacher = amateur artist pixel art gallery

- Art Page - Political activism  -  Furniture Repair  
- pixel drawings bitmap painting program. . .
- Whilst waiting for the downloading of this Art Page, let me tell you what can soon be seen 
once this slow server has done its work! Shortly you will have before your astonished eyes, 
a series of pixel drawings created on a computer by  using only a very plain bitmap painting 
program and operating by and though simple manipulations. . .

I have many other interests and activities : namely, 

- the repair, mending and polishing of old and worned out furniture; 

- the activism around important political issues: energy, environement, elections, the promotion of changes through initiatives such as  'Abolishing  the Swiss Army'  and participation in the community works with studies of new green parks and popular meeting places; 

- my engagement in social activities such as : organising rock concerts, art expositions, group discussions with people of limited means but of great artistic emotions. . .

a_head's galleries
  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  

Counting people

Getting to know you

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The identifications reproduced on this product are trademark and copyrighted designs. They are the exclusive
intellectual propriety of their author and may not be used, in whole or in part, without the written consent of
Georges TAFELMACHER  - Restauration de Meubles, PULLY - CH.
Copyright ©1998 TAFELMACHER-GEORGES.COM All Rights Reserved.

 Site designed and maintained by   Georges Tafelmacher   Pully, Switzerland.

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