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My Country - Malaysia

Malaysia is a country situated in South East Asia. The country has thirteen states and three federal territories. She has approximately 23 million people. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia which has two million people and government administrative center is at Putra Jaya. The map below shows her geographical location.

Malaysia is a multi-racial country whereby Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, and Kadazan/Dusun are the main ethnic groups. Bahasa Melayu or Malay Language is the official language used in this country. Other widely spoken languages are English, Mandarin, Tamil, and many other local dialects.

The head of state of Malaysia is the king who is elected in rotation from nine Sultan/Raja of the federated states. The present king is the Raja of State of Perlis. Each Sultan/Raja serves  five years as the King of Malaysia.

Malaysia is a parliamentary democratic country that has the essence of the British parliamentary system. At federal level, she has a lower house of representative called Dewan Rakyat elected once every five-year and a upper house called senate whose members have a renewable two-year terms, consisting of the appointed representative of state government, federal government, representative from minority ethnic group, and other distinguished personality.

The federal and state governments are formed by the political party that has majority elected seats in the lower house of representative  or state assembly called Dewan Undangan Negri. The present federal government is formed by a 15-party coalition named "National Front" whose chairperson is Mr. Abdullah Ahmad Bin Badawi who is also the fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia since 01 Nov. 2003.

Interesting Sites in Malaysia

Government of Malaysia

Gateway to Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Tourism Board Malaysia

Search Engine of Malaysia

Copyright Reserved By Lim Soo King
Updated Sep., 12, 2004.