Daysleeper's Gif page

Like everything else on the net, this page is always being revised, anyway, click on the catagory and than, click on the image to see the true one. Thanks to who ever created these. They where all taken from pages that said they were free. If you have one here and wish creadit, or would like to have it removed, e=mail me and I will respond.

It takes a while to write each of these pages. As each image must be thumbnailed and than loaded. SO check back often, as I keep adding and find time to work up another catagory. Or you can click here to be notified when I add more

Frame Version

Animials & cartoon folk--44
Construction --20
E mail --39
Music --16
People --24
Stars, moons, etc -15

visitors to this page since 2/28/98

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