fantasyfixer 's Home Page
Meet My Family
My name is Mark and you may know my real life better-half,
. We have been together for a total of about 3 years now. She is a wonderful lady, great companion, my best friend, great dancer, excellent cook and mom to the kids. Yeah! You guessed it! That's me tracking up the floor right after
got through mopping! *LOL* Well! I had to take Jake out! And fellas, just wait until she gets her picture up here-gorgeous too! Kids? We got a house full! We have 2 teenage boys from her previous marriage- Shane is 18 and he is great on computers, Brandon is 14 and great in art. I expect both to be very wealthy one day.
and I have a "little fantasyfixer", Lil' Mark is 1 year old and my pride and joy. I am a very proud daddy.
wants a little girl next, so we practice a lot. *LOL*
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