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Welcome to Cheetah's Gardening Area


"Thus, if I make a garden, "I need not print a line, nor conjure with the painter's tools to prove myself an artist...Whilst in other spheres of labor the greater part of our life's toil and moil will of a surety end, as the wise man predicted, in vanity and vexation of spirit, here is instant physical refreshment in the work the garden entails, and, in the end, our labor will be crowned with flowers."
[Garden-Craft, by John D. Sedding]

Hello fellow Gardeners!

I've been into Organic gardening for about seven years growing Vegetables, Flowers, and Herbs.

Here I'd like to thank my Mother, for all her knowledge, given so freely (and for all the starts of plants she's given).Thanks Mom!!!

Thanks also to the people at Organic Gardening Magazine and Rodale Press (Organic Gardening Books) for much of the info I've learned regarding the safe and natural way to garden. I highly recommend this Magazine and Rodale Press.

In the fall, winter and spring I use a 12' by 24' solar and woodburner heated greenhouse to start seedlings, grow vegetables and to over winter many of the plants that I use to decorate my yard and deck with in the summer.

I have corresponded and traded seed and information with gardeners from all over the U.S. and some in foriegn countries. In doing so I gained access to many difficult to find and unusual plants and met some very nice people. On this page you will find info and also links that I have found interesting and useful and I really hope you do to!

Since I add on to this page from time to time be sure to come back and visit often.

Bits and Pieces

I live and Garden in Vanderburgh County in Indiana, but you will find that a lot of the following can be used by people living anywhere.

Check your areas Weather forecast with the NOAA NetCast:

Enter Your 5 Digit ZIP Code

County Forecast City Forecast

  1. Learn more about Composting and Yard Recycling call Vanderburgh County Solid Waste Management District at (812 4265601) for the Booklet Composting Is Nature's Recycling System free to Vanderburh County Resident's. Also available is Yard Recycling: A Homeowner's Guide from the Vanderburgh County Solid Waste Management District Office or call the County Extention office at (4355287) for more info.
  2. You can get your soil tested. The charge is $7.50. Contact the Farm Bur. At Phone # 4236481 for more details.
Did you know?

  1. Those discarded wooden pallets you see around the back of business's make great compost bins, just lash them together, and most business's will give them to you for free just to get rid of them.
  2. Shredded leaves makes great mulch under bushes.
  3. Some of the Tree Trimming Business's will give you Free wood chips, these make good mulch and can be added to compost piles also.
  4. Many local Stables offer all the horse manure you could use in your compost piles for little or no charge. All you need is a shovel and a pickup. Call them for info.
  5. If you have a Aquarium the water you remove, (you know that 10% water change you should do every once in a while) makes great fertilizer for your houseplants.

This is a humous/sarcastic list of some Battles I've had in my garden.

Cheetah's Plant's to grow old with

Some Gardening Tips and Info sent in from Others

How to plant a special garden

Gardening and Plant Links

Orchids Ruben In Orchids

ORGANIC GARDENING and Rodale Press....Rodale Press-Organic Gardening Online

NYCAP....Organin Gardening and FarmingAlternative to Pesticides

Wylie House Mueseum....Heirloom Seed Wylie House

SBE'S Exotic, Tropical Plant Seed....Catalog and moreSBE'S

Wolf Web Homesteading Page: Gardening, Plants, SeedsWolf Web

A List of Gardening MagazinesMagazines

Organic GardeningCybergarden
Check out the Solar Greenhouse while your there. GreenHouse

"Gardening is not only for the talented gardeners spending all their time carefully watering their precious plants. Gardening can be for everyone. This site is made for giving ideas, tips and education to the beginner and advanced gardener to make their gardens beautiful."
Easy Gardening

Small Change Greenhouse // Gardening Links // Small Change Garden Pond // Evil Dirt // Rural Living
The Survival of the Fittest Garden has many Video's on Gardening

Some Gardening Chat Places

Home Arts...Home Arts Chat

Seed Savers and Seed Swappers

Thanks to all the people that swapped seed with me this year. I'll be posting what I have to offer for swap again next year.

If you have any that you want to swap, E me and let me know what you have to offer. I only swap with people who will send Self Addressed Envelopes and put enough postage on the Envelopes to cover hand cancelling at the post office, with seed they send me (usually 10 cents extra). Also HAND CANCEL should be put on the envelopes. I, in return do the same. The reason for this is, I've received too many crushed or damaged seed or postage due envelopes because of not having the envelopes hand cancelled.

If there is any seed that you are looking for Post it in the Free Classifieds.

Free Classifieds New Free Service!
Looking to buy, sell or swap something?
Free Classified Ads

Note:...Some of the Gardening Magazines have Seed Swapping sections and info on seed saving and the following links do too!

Some Seed Swapping Places

Students wanting to swap seedsJefferson County Schools

Home Arts...Home Arts Swap

SBE'S...SBE'S Swap

Some Seed Saving Places

Herbbar Seed Savers...Herbbar Seed Savers

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