My Dark Shadows Friends

Hi! Welcome to my Homepage!

This is VikkieGee, my best friend and confidant. Vik is the coordinator of our weekly sim, or better known as our "RPG". RPG stans for Role Playing Game. She has written several scripts for us, and we act them out by assuming the characters names and how we feel they would react to situations. Vik has done an exceptional job as coordinator, and she spends enormous time getting things together for us to have a good time. I can't thank thank her enough, for all she does.

This is Kazza, aka Kazzibear. Although not a great fan of Dark Shadows, she is a great friend of mine. Kazza and I met on the IRC Undernet. We became great friends quickly, and I love her dearly. She is familiar with the show, but is most known for her creative work in making popup and other script files for mIRC. Maybe I will ask her to make me some Dark Shadows popups. Hmm, now that's a novel idea!

Check her site out too.

This is DS Vicki, she is one of our players in the sim. She is a great role player, and I love simming with her. She always has a friendly and warm attitude, whenever she meets people. Like the rest of us, she ADORES Dark Shadows and has been to several DS fests. I am always happy to see when She comes online.

Meet VictoriaW, she is the chnnel owner of the Undernet IRC room called #Dark_Shadows. Vick is the sweetest manager I have ever had the pleasure to work with. She makes all feel welcome and at home as they enter our little domain. If there is one fault she has, it can only be that she is mistaken to think that JF is not mine. But that's okay, because I love her anyway. :o)

This is Dawndoll2. Although she has never seen Dark Shadows, she is still a fan. And has learned quite a bit about the show through chats and rpg's. She is a treasure.

Another avid fan of Dark Shadows is Cassie. Here she is asking Johnathan Frid, Barnabas, a question at the private performance he did on Long Island 11/7/98

Here is one of our premier novelist, May Sutherland, better known as LadyMay on the IRC Undernet channel, #Dark_Shadows. May has written a very popular Dark Shadows novel titled, "Sins of the Father." May is also the editor of the Dark Shadows fanzine, WyndCliffe Watch. I am proud to say, she is also a great friend of mine.

KahluaKat is shown here with her hubby, Scott. I have known KahluaKat almost 2 years now. She is one of the first people I met who had just as much fervor as I did for Dark Shadows. KahluaKat is a great role player and an even greater friend.

One of my closets and dearest friends, peetce, is shown here. She is an avid fan of DS and especially, Adrian Paul. He played Jeremiah in the 91 series revival. Here she is in the middle, with her hubby and sister. She wants Adrian back in the show, but I think he is going to be busy, with me. hehe

Here is Peetce's Highlander Page

And here he is,Adrian *thud* Paul. Just for you peetce. :)

Meet VEP KAT, she is another friend amd sim player I have known for over a year. I first met VepKat on AOL in a chatroom called Dark Shadows. We have share many a fun time in role playing and chatting. She is another fine simmer.


Links to other sites on the Web

More Dark Shadows and Friends Page
Dark Shadows and Friends page
Dark Shadows Tribute
Rosemary's Tribute to Dark Shadows
RM_'s Dark Shadows Page
RM's Homepage


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