My name is Rosemary, but I am better known on the Undernet as RM`
I have enjoyed IRC for the past year on chat client mIRC. I have found
numerous popup files from various websites and friends. I felt it was time
for me to make a page of some of my favorites. You will be able to download
complete zipped files from here. Most of them are mrc's. I love these and
hope you will too. :o)
For the Angels that helped me. Many thanks go out to peetce
and Kazza^ whose help was instrumental in my putting these pages together.
A person couldn't ask for better friends. Well they could, but they would
be hard pressed to find any as good as these. Thanks Deb and Kare!!
For mrc files: Once these are downloaded and unzipped,
Place them in your MIRC main folder. The text and the .mrc files must be
in the main folder.(the one everything else is in, NOT the download folder)
After they are there type /load -rs filename.mrc Always remember the .mrc.
The text files (if they come with them), remain in the main folder and
are NOT loaded into remotes.Have fun with these. I will be putting more
up later as they become available.
I got this Angel Award from peetce, cuz she said I did a good job.
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To Mirc Popups Webring site is owned by
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