You Want To Know About Me?!
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Hello all, my name is Eric, and I am a 20yo. white male. If I have already offended you, then please click here. If I have not, then keep reading.
I live in Florida, the capital of sun tanning and skin cancer. It's really a great place to live. You've got your beaches, your wilderness, your amusement parks, and any other tourist trap you can think of. Hence, there’s never really nothing to do in Florida.

I keep busy during the day as a book and graphic designer. I like the people part of it. I layout books on the computer and just enjoy the overall challenge of dealing with people on a daily basis. And believe me, it's a challenge.

Well, since you asked, in my spare time I like to hang out with my friends. You know when you're thinking something really stupid like, “I wonder if he/she pees in the shower,” or, “Man I’ve got a really bad wedgie.” Well, there’s a part in everyone’s brain that censors those thoughts from being vocalized. It’s been theorized that my friends and I don’t have that. I think those kind of social screw-ups are called faux pas (pron. foe paw).

I have attained my A.A. in college and loved doing it. I have a special attachment to science-fact. Like figuring out how the machine in the movie “Contact” works (yes, there actually was a real-world premise behind it). And I love to figure out answers for all of those impossibilities that occur everyday in real-life (like how one thing can be in two places at the same time. It’s possible!). The fourth dimension, everything’s relative, etc...

So, bored yet? Okay, then click here. the truth out there? I don’t know, but until then, find the truth about something. Check this out for a strange but true fact.

By the way, did I mention that I’m into computer graphics? Yep, I made all those geckos, rocks, backgrounds, stupid little bullet points, etc. I do pretty good in 2D art, but now I’m trying to master 3D graphics.

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