Useless Crap About Me
  • Mu full name is Jennifer Michelle Novotny
  • I am also known as Niffer, Sniffer, Novotny, Nobotny, Peach, Jenn Michelle, Freak Monkey Specimin A, Jack Knauff
  • My B-day is April 30th 1983... I guess that makes me 17 (in human years)
  • I'm 5'8" tall, blue/green eyes, and highlighted, curly brown hair
  • I am a Senior at Meadville High School
  • My e-mail address is (a cross between mandala and Buddha... I'm kinda into the Buddhist thing now... I hope to one day convert from Catholicism (the wicked brainwashing cult) to something more philosophical and meaningful like Buddhism)
  • I have played piano for 12 years (but I still suck)
  • My favorite foods are spaghetti soup, mashed potatoes, gummy peach rings, and twizzlers (but not together!! ewe!!)
  • My favorite words are spiff, swift, hound, and pssstttt...
  • I have this thing with metal chain/ball necklaces
  • My fav actors are Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks
  • I don't get out much... I have no life (sometimes)
  • My dog Julie is TDI, CGC, PPAT, AKC (and I bet you have NO idea what any one of those thing are... right?)
  • The BEST band in the world is Barenaked Ladies (no, I'm not jumping on the BNL Bandwagon... I've been a fan since Gordon!)
  • My favorite song is "Break Your Heart" by Barenaked Ladies (of course!!) or... Miller's Angels by Counting Crows
  • My favorite CD is Gordon by Barenaked Ladies (am I getting a little repetitious?)... or, Recovering the Satelites by Counting Crows
  • My other favorite bands are... Indigo Girls, R.E.M., Joe 90, Gigolo Aunts, Billy Joel, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Devo, Duran Duran, Paul Simon, Third Eye Blind, Korn, Rage Against the Machine, Semisonic, Marcy Playground, Simon and Garfunkel, Talking Heads
  • Actually, I think Counting Crows are a better band than BNL, but I'm too lazy to change my homepage to a Counting Crows page, so it will have to stay dedicated to BNL...
  • My fav drink is Sprite (or Ginseng tea.. that's yummy too)
  • I have 3 Shetland Sheepdogs, 3 cats, a goat, a bird, and 16 horses(I'm NOT a hick!)
  • My favorite colors are orange and yellow
  • I have ICQ #1591099 (talk to me... I'm probably on right now... and bored out my mind!!)
  • I also have Pow Wow and NetMeeting
  • I LOVE MATT PINFIELD!!! (don't ask... but the putz hound won't call me back to schedule an interview after he already said that he'd be GLAD to do it.)
  • I have a perfectly round head (and I'm proud of it!!)
  • I'm petrified of fish (no... seriously)
  • I am a photographer/journalist for the Our Generation page at the Meadville Tribune (i get free film too)
  • I call my parents by their first names (Richard and Cindy)
  • I'm a VERY spoiled only child
  • My entire extended family on my mom's side lives on the same road (4 houses in total)
  • Me and Liz got 4 beeps, 4 waves, and a bark in 2 days while riding our bikes down the road
  • I wear size 9 1/2 or 10 shoes
  • I hate JNCO jeans... they fall apart
  • My fav TV shows are The Golden Girls, Seinfeld, Undressed and anything on the History Channel...
  • Bands I hate- Backstreet Boys, NSync, 98 Degrees, Five, (Any other and ALL Boy Bands!), Hanson, and Spice Girls
  • My favorite television game shows are the Price is Right and Jeopardy!
  • I have 69 reasons why I hate Lora Madden
  • My favorite number is 3
  • My favorite movies are Rainman, Spaceballs, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan
  • I like to drink cappuccino in the winter (PA gets pretty cold!!)
  • My favorite wooden rollercoaster is the "Thunderbolt" at Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh, PA
  • My favorite steel roller coaster is the "Serial Thriller" at Six Flags Ohio
  • I love football... GO 49ers!!!
  • I prefer showers over baths... and morning over night
  • I am no longer VERY VERY AVAILABLE! I'm back with my boyfriend, Brad (now of one year). We had a little fight, but we figured things out. He just recently got his tongue pierced which makes me VERY VERY HAPPY!
  • My best friend in the ENTIRE world is Liz Lambert (D.O.B. May 23, 1983... that makes me almost a month older than her!)
  • Liz is a skank on the opposite corner that I work...Liz has Adam (in the air force) AND Boris (who lives in New York City and is 20 years old... she met him at Woodstock) she is just workin' it, baby!!
  • Liz has 2 twin brothers (she's not very bright...)
  • If you want to be my penpal then leave a message in my guestbook and I'll e-mail you my snail-mail address
  • My favorite books are The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac, The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
  • I like to read voluntarily... no, I'm not a dork... I just enjoy reading... mostly stuff by Beat Authors (i.e. Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, etc.) but Ken Kesey is my favorite author... he's not technically a beat author, but you get the point
  • Liz's butt itches
  • My fav teachers are Mr. Kosnac (8th grade english) and Mr. Curry (12th grade AP English)
  • Mr. Curry is the most influential teacher I have ever had... his beliefs make me think about my own identity and how I truly view some very controversial topics... I thank him immensely for all he has taught me, not merely about literature and english, but about life itself...
  • I wanna go to some sort of college (I really wanted to go to Northwestern, but you have to be REALLY smart and have $30,000 a year for tuition... so, that is not looking like a good possibility) and study Magazine Journalism (just wait until you see my name in Rolling Stone!!)
  • I have been to 6 Barenaked Ladies concerts
  • I have met Steven Page, Tyler Stewart, and Ed Robertson from BNL (at the H.O.R.D.E. festival in Pittsburgh in 1998)
  • I have interviewed Jim Creeggan from BNL (two times!!!), Alana Davis (a female folk singer), Andy Creeggan (mastermind of Brother's Creeggan and Jim's little brother), and at Woodstock 99- Adam Duritz of Counting Crows, Oleander, Creed, Ed Kowalczyk of Live, Buckcherry, Everclear, Rosie Perez, Insane Clown Posse, Carson Daly, Ananda Lewis, Kennedy, Lit
  • I get FREE concert tickets (Yes... they're FREE) through the Meadville Tribune (thanks Ed!!)
  • NEVER, I repeat... NEVER go to an Indigo Girls concert if you're afraid of lesbians... ewe... I learned my lesson... but, the tickets were FREE!!
  • NEVER, I repeat... NEVER go to Colleen's house and sit on the green couch in her basement... it's cursed... actually, try to avoid the basement in general... I swear it's NC-17 rated... beware. (but.. she got rid of the green couch and stuff still happens, so it must just be the basement in general)
  • My geometry teacher last year answered the phone in our classroom... "Jones Residence!!" (You had to be there...)
  • I love Brothers Creeggan... their 3 CD's are EXCELLENT!!
  • Me Gusta Mis Bombachas... nevermind.
  • Chris Brown and Kate Fenner have a great CD (Other People's Heavens)... so does Kevin Hearn (Mothball Mint).
  • I have a white cat named Dink... he is nice... he is fat... he is always "belly up in the hall"... you don't like him because you're jealous you don't have a cat like that.
  • I would like to thank India, terror, disillusionment, frailty, consequence, silence... can you tell I'm listening to Alanis Morissette now??
  • I hate all people... they annoy me... and so do you, so go away.
  • I am VERY sarcastic... but that doesn't mean that I like you anymore than I already do... because I hate you...
  • People bother me... especially stupid, idiotic, annoying people... so, if you're like me, leave me alone!
  • I'm never happy (pessimism at its finest... unless, of course, I'm with Brad) ... I'm a complusive whiner (but, not as bad as Brad... all he does is freakin' whine)
  • I hate my dog, Shelby... she chews up EVERYTHING!! Especially, my favorite gutchies... I was so mad...
  • I call underwear, gutchies... it sounds better.
  • I have multicolored shoelaces in my shoes... they're cool... but mostly because my STUPID dog always chews them up!!
  • My little 4 year old cousin, Libby is REALLY cute... she used to call the goat number 6 (now her name is Wilma)... don't ask why. (Libby has a brother too.. his name is Mikey.. and he is... ummm... a year old... ya, but I'm not too fond of babies, so I keep my distance when possible)
  • My favorite words are... HOUND... and many others that would not be appropriate for the contents of this page...
  • Marilyn Manson tells me to kill... ya... and because of him, I am going to go and kill people... sure.. what a load of b.s...
  • DO NOT LET THE MEDIA DICTATE YOUR LIFE!!!! (take into reference the above statement)
  • Orgy is a good band... and Jay Gordon is SO sexy... ahhh.
  • I have a fetish for leather pants and metal... reoww...
  • I wanna dye my hair a nice shade of blue just to... ummmm... I'm not sure why I want to do it... I just feel like it. (actually, I did dye it blue.. highlighted.. and it looked pretty cool, but it washed out after about a week or two b/c it was only semi-permanent) Look at pictures of my blue hair, HERE.
  • I dyed my hair purple too.. that was cool... I think I liked it better than the blue, actually
  • I LOVE BILLY JOEL!!! He is God... and I spend most of my time listening to his boxed set... the bible.
  • Because of the statement I made above... I will be spending eternity burning in hell... or, so says the Roman Catholic Religion... of which I am a member, but rebel against constantly.
  • There are some people in this world that make me wish that room 101 really did exist... i.e... Pistin, Dale, Manria, Boobman, "Garbage Can Boy" (or as Pedersen would call him, "Gay Boy")... you know who you are.
  • My dad, Richard... whistles WAY too much... and it annoys the living crap out of me.
  • Guess where I went??? WOODSTOCK '99!!! yep... and for FREE!!!! YEAH!!! thank god for press credentials!! (and ya know what? I wrote for, so you can go to and read one of my articles and see a couple interviews I did there in the archives)
  • I have a NEW horse named Rusty (aka- Russel, Spectator Sport... he is an American Saddlebred)... he is pretty cool... even though I think that horses stink really bad... he is kinda nice... for a horse that is.
  • Actually, my horse Rusty died in March (I still cry about it) so I got another horse... and his name is Simon... he's only 4, but he will be good and listen to me someday... hopefully
  • I like to sing in the shower... thank god I take my CD player in with me so my family doesn't have to listen to my singing...
  • I have a hot tub... it is a boiling, festering, brewing batch of hormones... BEWARE!!! I'll get the hose out after you!!!
  • Dave and Travis are going to get me back... I can feel it... afterall, Liz and I did soak their gutchies and put them on ice last time they were in the hot tub
  • I seem like a "good kid"... but, if you only knew some of the things I've gotten away with... i.e. "the Volvo", "Wal-Mart dares", "Woodcock"...
  • Concerts I have been to... Barenaked Ladies (6 times), HORDE Festival 1998, Indigo Girls (3 times), Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds, Billy Joel, Rod Stewart, Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers, Woodstock 99, Jewel, Robby Kreiger of the Doors, Our Lady Peace (2 times), Oleander, Counting Crows (2 times), Joe 90, Jimmy Buffett, Duran Duran, Live, Art Garfunkel ... all for FREE!!!
  • I think that Elementary Functions (pre-calculus/trigonometry) is the STUPIDEST class I have ever taken and my teacher should endure a lot of pain through out his life... that's how much I hate it. (did I mention that I have an F in it too??? hmmm.. nice.. thank god for the wicked curve)
  • I have a nice collection of autographs from BNL (Ed Robertson, Steven Page, and Tyler Stewart), Adam Durtiz, Oleander, Everclear, Gavin Rossdale of Bush, George Clinton (it's cool b/c it's like a self portrait of him... I love it), Peter Max (an autographed print from Woodstock 99), Buckcherry, Creed, and Joe 90 (as well as a guitar pick from Chris, the lead singer (thanks to brad... he got me the spitty pick out of his mouth after the show) and a drum stick from adam, the drummer... it was a good night... very very good..)
  • I have been in 4 accidents with my car so far... #1- I got stuck on top of a mound of grass in a hay field after I attempted to drive over it, I had to call my uncle to pull me off... I ripped off the mud flaps... #2- Some freaky lady decided it would be funny to do a u-turn in the middle of the road when there was a tree down during a bad storm, so when she backed up she ran over the hood of my car... but, the worse thing about it was that she blamed the accident on me... ya, whatever... that was worth a new hood on my car, about $600 worth of damage... #3- While on a Sunday afternoon drive one day, Liz and I got a flat tire in the middle of B.F.E. and had to change it by ourselves... needless to say I read the directions and she did the dirty work... that experience got me a new tire... #4- I did $4,000 worth of damage after I ditched my car (Liz was with me of course)... it wa sa nice day too... I came over a hill with a blind spot at the top, a truck was driving in the middle of the road, I had to swerve to miss it... Thus, I lost control while swerving and ended up flying into a ditch at 40 mph... leaving my car to rest on the opposite side of the road, facing the opposite way from when I began... Luckilly, nobody was hurt...hopefully, bad luck will not continue to haunt the poor, little, helpless, Honda Civic...
  • I have a dancing hula girl named Lola on the dashboard of the Honda Civic (otherwise known as the Adam Duritz brrr Mobile Condom Civic Beep Beep)... Lola recently got 3 new friends... the butterfly, the ring tailed lemur, and the baby pig... =)
  • Did I mention that I drive a 94, white Honda Civic??? hehehehehe.....
  • I got a 1010 on my PSAT's... that's pretty bad, considering that I want to go to Northwestern... I might have to study up for the SAT's if I wanna get in
  • Well, I took my SAT's in January and I got a 1200... not too shabby.... I may have to give up with my dreams of Northwestern, but I can get into a pretty good school around here with some decent scores like that... =)
  • I took my ACT's in April and only scored a 25... I think I'll just keep that score hidden for a while... nobody needs to know it
  • Well, news on college... Northwestern shut me down (big surprise), but Ohio University decided that they want my sorry butt, therefore, I will be attending OU's E.W. Scripps School of Journalism to major in Magazine Journalism in fall 2001. I can't wait... not only is OU ranked the 4th best journalism school in the nation, it is ranked the 10th best party school. Yeah!
  • I can't think of anything else to write as of now... so, bye!!!

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