Welcome to my
home on the web!
My Name is Rod Nelson and I live in Michigan'sU.P.
Now you might be wondering what U.P.
stands for. No, it not for the
Union Pacific Railroad.
U.P. stands for The
Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the part of Michigan that is
Lake Michigan, Wisconsin State Line on
south, and Lake Superior on the north.
I have several different categories. I have Pages on My Home Town area IRON MOUNTAIN, Michigan. Some pages on Michigan, some on Wisconsin, and some on Utah, that is where I was born and used to live at. I move to Michigan in the summer of 1995. I am buying a Scanner in the near future, and will be posting my own pictures of some interesting and awesome places. I already have some pictures of each state, which is link from that states page!
I Have some NFL Pages that will be updated weekly during the 2003 Season and throughout the Super Bowl XXXVIII Playoffs and Super Bowl XXXVIII.
I Have Some NBA pages
I also have a page of links, and one page about me, I hope you enjoy my site, and be sure to check out my Surprise Page, I change it often and is always something different in it.
I hope you have time to visit all my pages, so if you do, get a drink or something and just surf around, I try to have something for most everyone. If you have your own web page and want to be link , I'm going to be updating my Link Page in the near future.
Below is the Index for my pages
Updated: July 11, 2005
updated: March 31, 2004
September 25, 2000 you are visitor
if the counter is working, if I can figure out now to work it