a  pretty  great  state
Where I Used To Live!
Utah Page      Rod's page from Michigan's U.P.

Facts About Utah!

45th State - Admitted as a State: January 4, 1896

Population: (1990) 1,722,850

Counties: 29

State Capitol: Salt Lake City - Elv. 4260 Ft - Pop. 725,956(1990)&>

State Tree: Blue Spruce

State Bird: Seagull

State Insect: Honey Bee

State Dinosaur: Utah Raptor

Highest Point: Kings Peak - 13,528 ft.

Lowest Point: Beaverwash Dam - 2000 ft.

Land Area: 82,168 sq. mi

Dimensions: N-S 345 Miles  E-W 275 Miles

Utah was once covered by water in what is now know as "Lake Boneville".
Lake Bonnevile was about the size of Lake Michigan & Lake Huron combined. It covered most of Utah, Eastern Nevada & Southern Idaho. It is believe it drain into was is now the Snake River in Idaho. All that is lift of it now is the Great Salt Lake, Utah Lake, Bear Lake & Lake Sevier (which is
dry most of the time.)

Utah's average rainfall is less than 14" a year. Most of the state is desert.

Utah's Border States: North - Idaho & Wyoming, East - Wyoming & Colorado, South - Arizona & New Mexico (New Mexico's NW corner touches Utah's SE Corner, the only point where four states meet, in fact you can stand there and be standing in 4 states at one time) West - Nevada

State Government!
Utah has 3 Branches of State Government similar to most states & the USA's

1 - Executive: Governor

2 - Legesutare: House of Representatives & Senate

3 - Judicial: Supreme Court - District Court - Juvenile Court - Civil Court - Criminal Court

Governor of Utah: Jon Huntsman 1st four year term, up for re-election 2008

United States Senator:   Robert (Bob) Bennett  Utah's junior senator, 3rd term re-election in 2008

United States Senator:  Orin Hatch Utah's senior senator, 5th term re-election in 2006

Utah has 3 members in the House Of Representatives.

2004 Presentitial Election Results: George W. Bush won Utah's 5 eltorial college votes. The last time a Democrat won in Utah was in 1964, when Lyndon Johnson carried Utah.

A Little About
Utah was first explore by Father Escantle in the 1500's. Some of the late 1700's - early 1800's explorers were Jim Bridger, Peter Skien Ogden.

On or about July 24, 1847. A group of Mormon (the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) pioneers lead by Brigham Young first settle in what is now Salt Lake City. Brigham Young the 2nd President & Prophet of the Church stood at the mouth of Emiragation Canyon after a very long journey from upper New York State, and said "THIS IS THE PLACE". One of the First things they'd was dam up a creek now known as City Creek for drinking water and irrigation. They planted about 100 acres of spring wheat.
When the wheat was ready for harvesting in September, a swarm of Crickets invaded the crop and proceeded to devour it. Young prayed, and he was supposedly answer by God sending in a Flock of California Seagulls that nested at the Great Salt Lake to eat the Crickets up, which the birds did. The Mormons were so thankful to the birds, that they made the California SeaGull their State Bird. This is a true story!

In The following year 1848, Young sented out small groups of Mormons, know as Wards, to settle other areas of Utah, and parts of Nevada, Los Vegas was a Mormon settlement. He then applied and was turn down for statehood, in what would of have been the biggest state in land area, It would of been known as the State of Desert (Ute Indian word for Honey). It Was Composed of all of Utah, Nevada, and the SouthWest Corner of Wyoming. It took Utah 48 years to finally become a State. The reason being was that the Mormon practice polygamy, Having more than one wife. Brigham Young had 29 wives, 150 children (San Francisco 49ers Quarter Back Steve Young is a 5th great grandson of Brigham Young). It took the Mormon church to ban the pratice of polmgamy to become a state. In fact the United States built the only fort it ever built for the purpose of watching it's own citizens on the East Side of Salt Lake City. Utah Finally became a State on January 4, 1896.

Utah today is a rapidly growing state. It is now quite diverse in people living there. is experiencing the growin pains that go along with it. Salt Lake City has the Same problems as most bigger U.S Cities.
Some of the major industries are Computers (Novell, IBM Gateway all have plants there. Mining, Military, Aerospace, Transportation, and lots of other businesses. Delta Air Lines Western Hub is at Salt Lake International Airport. The NBA Defending Western Conference Champions UTAH JAZZ play their home Games in the Delta Center in downtown Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City was the host for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Utah has what is believe to be the world's best powder snow and is Famous for it's many Ski resorts.

Utah Has some of the Most awesome and diverse scenery that can be found in the lower 48 states, Utah has 5 National Parks, only state with more is Alaska. See  Northern Utah Pictures  and  Southern Utah Pictures .

Use Underline hyperlinks
Utah has 5 National Parks: Zion's - Bryce Canyon - Arches - Capitol Reef - Caanyonlands. Utah has a lot of National Monuments, and a large but mostly undelovoped State Park System. The Major Highways in Utah are I15, I80 I70, I84, I215, US40, US6, US50 US89, US191.

Maps of Utah!
From Map Quest
Map of Utah!
Map of Utah
Map of Salt Lake County
Map Of Salt Lake County
Map of Salt Lake City
Map Of Salt Lake City
Maps are from Map Quest

Utah! Links
State of Utah Web Site
State of Utah Web site
Utah Travel Council
Utah Travel Council

Utah! Newspapers
Salt Lake Tribune

ClickHere or Links to other Utah Newspapers

Pro Sports Teams

email rwnelson@chartermi.net 

this page recreated on January 16, 1999 by Rod Nelson  
using Netscape Communcatior Composer
Lasted Updated on March 19, 2005
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