Admitted as A State: May 29, 1848 as the 30th State
Size: 56,154 Square miles 16th largest state
Great Lakes & Mississippi river Shoreline: 675 Miles
Wisconsin is border by:
On The North: Michigan
(The Brule & Menominee Rivers are the State Line)
On The East: Michigan (Lake
Michigan separates Michigan 7 Wisconsin)
On The South: Illinois
On The West: Iowa &
(the Mississippi & St. Croux Rivers)
Highest Point: Timms Hill 1951 feet above Sea Level
Lowest Point: Lake Michigan Shoreline 579 feet above Sea level
State Capitol: Madison pop. 179,686
Largest City: Milwaukee pop. 636,212
Wisconsin State Population: (1990 Census) 4,705,521.5
Nick Names: The Dairy State - - Americas Dairy Land -- The Badger State<t;
Govorner: Scott McCallum (D)
United States Senator: Russell D. Fengold (D)
United States Senator: Herb Kohl (D)
United States House of Representatives: 9 Members
Wisconsin is divided
into 72
Counties, 188 Cities & 397 Villages or Township
2004 Wisconsin State