Mcafee, NJ

Former Playboy Club

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Here's the wild bunch!!

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Where are the real bunnies?   This is the old playboy club..right?  Are those bunny ears I see? 


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Here is Karen ( Blonde , Sweet, and Pretty).   Thanks for all the work you did.    Just for you  an extra special  *lick*


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    Here is Chuckles and Jimmy trying out his pickup line on SilverToy.


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Jimmy & Chuckles checking out   Jimmy's new ride!!  Getting ready to go on a hunt for those girly bars.. *G*


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MainSweetie and OnlyHarry giving us all a little lecture on proper etiquette on how to behave for breakfast.. be nice to waitress!!   Some people get snarly.. grrrr.


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     rondeb1.jpg (7018 bytes)                                     ronface.JPG (13885 bytes)


Here we have LightDuty & SilverToy.   Wonder who was taking all those pictures of SilverToy?   Bet I know who had the camera. 


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Looks like Harry has got some ideas for Chuckles and Karen... after he checks out for sunburns.

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Here's Kemmy looking back to see if I was looking back to see if she was looking back at me!!

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Now here is a guy who knows how to party..   Don't let that sweet , innocent face fool ya. 

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Geesh... Ron ( lightduty) has the camera in his hands everytime we turn around!!


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Still checking out for those playboy   bunnies.. haven't seen a single one.

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Ohio Bash-98

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