PoGo InFo

Here is all the info I have on Pogo right now. It is very hard to get information on him so please bear with me. If you have any please send it to me to be posted.

Real name: Stephen Bier

Name derived from: MADONNA--the singer --John WAYNE GACY--PoGo, or the clown killer.


PORTRAIT OF AN AMERICAN FAMIY--Hammond Organ, Theremin, Saxophone, Calliopenis, Brass, Babies, Distorted Muzette, Loops

LUNCHBOX SINGLE--Super Heterodyning Synthetic Bassoon

SMELLS LIKE CHILDREN--Sound Deformation, Poop Games

Antichrist Superstar--All Keyboards, Loops, and other Original Pieces of 16-Bit Audio Information.

Current Residence: California

Likes: Numerology, MST3K

Dislikes: People that make bootlegs, the internet, mediocre things

Quote--"Kill the Chicken!!"--1: used in saying not to actually Kill a chicken (duh) but to say down with mediocre things. It has to be really good or really bad. Mediocre things suck!!! 2: was used for Marilyn Manson instead of "Let's Rock!"

BaCk HoMe