Wut sup!!! Wanna find out more about me??? NO PROB!!! here goes:

        Date of birth:------------> July 18, 1982
        Nationality:--------------> Vietnamese
        Current School:-----------> Mt. Rainier HS
        E-mail:-------------------> aaron_nguyen@hotmail.com
        Favorite food:------------> YUMMmmm... everything is good!!!
        Favorite sports:----------> TOoo many, Basketball is best though!!!
        Height:-------------------> hahaha, not tall enough...(average for Asian: 5'6)
        Major:--------------------> LOTS (Billionair wanna be)

    Hi, I'm gonna tell you about the story of my life. I was born in a very poor family, we barely have any food to eat. My father was a lieutenant durring the Vietnam War, so after the war he was put into a a re-educated camp for 5 years, it was worst than prision and a lots of peoples died in there, from starvation, sickness and over worked. When he was released, he did not regain his freedom 100%, the government watched him very closely and he has a hard time finding work because he has to report to the department daily. He managed to get marry with my mom (she was a teacher, workign with his step sister), on his wedding day, he didn't even have a good pair of pants and had to borrow it from his step brother. Years past, and he has bought a farm growing coffee (that was the year I was born). Growing up in a poor family that didn't have enough food for me, I was very skinny (a doctor knowing my mom said that if the situation continue, I was to be blind by the age of 13).
    A pic of me when I was 7

    In Vietnam, I was sent to a school in Long Khanh (where my grandmother lives) and I had to stay there on the school days, then come back to my family on the weekends. I was a very trouble maker when I was little, and some of my cousins were very mean to me, and I was tortured almost daily, so I only come home durring night and hang out with my friends durring day. A lots of anger was in me, I became the bad boy in the neighborhood, I became the leader of a small boy gang. No not the bad kind of gang, we are bad but we are not bullies, we fight who ever want trouble with us, and protect each other. Once, I beat up this one bully because he beat up my friend, and I was in quite a trouble that time. That bully's parent were ruthless, they have record of beatting up peoples to the hospital and worst, I ofcourse was suspended from school, and I ran from home. I was also lucky that day, I didnt' come to school because the parent blocked the way and they are waitting for me, my parent had to go and pleaded with the teacher for me to be back, the teacher told them that it is not the teacher my parent should be worrying about, it is the parent of the child, later they find an agreement and I was able to go to school again.

    In the summer, I would spend it with my mom's family in Saigon. I was taught there, and was quite a trouble maker there also. The year 1992, I came to United States of America, I was still a trouble maker until I was in 7th grade, when I all the sudden realize and grew up. I became very quiet and very different than I was, and I started to stay up late at night in 8th grade looking at the stars and askign questions to myself. Not until the spring of 98' when I fell in love, (I had relationships before, but I guess it was not love) I became a totally different person. Sometimes I remember of the past and was suprised how much I had changed, and how glad I am. The history of my life will still continue, and more chapters of this book will be added as time goes by.

    Aaron's Link!!!