I was sitting alone on a dark, rainy night.
The clock on the wall gonged.
I looked at the clock...it was midnight.
Bewitching hour, I thought to myself.
I sat there shivering from the cold.
All at once I heard a rap on the door!
Who could it be at this hour?

I slowly walked to the door and opened it..
This is what I saw.....


   I hurried to my cauldren...
and brewed up some treats for the visitors.

If I didn't, the ghoulies would be after me,
And I would wind up here.....


I would be taunted throughout the hereafter by these......


And these....


Come here, I want to ask you something!!

You don't want to be a sad skeleton, do you?

   Well, treat the little ones well,
And you will be happy skeletons...

Or a happy witch...LOL

You will also have a happy home!!

You have made us very happy
By visiting us. Please some back soon
And bring your friends!

Created for your enjoyment
by Sacrr & Niftyann


"Monster Mash"