My Buddy and second mamma...

This page is dedicated to Carol Sumner. She has a very special place in my heart that words cannot BEGIN to describe. She's kind, energetic, beautiful (DON'T DENY IT CAROL!!!) and has always listened to me when I have a problem... well, at least she does if you call her attention away from the computer long enough... (hehehe)

I met Carol when my mother took me to her place to sign up for her wednesday night ceramics class. My first impression of her was that she had the HUGEST heart. She's warm, loving, and knows when there's something up... then I tell her I got kicked out of class again and she gives me the "I was expecting that to happen again" look. Then we joke about it and finish painting whatever ceramic we happen to be working on. I don't think we have had a bad time in that class ONCE. It's a good thing... she keeps us all in great moods while we're there by showing us things she's printed off her computer and the net, and most of them are either the funniest jokes or the saddest stories - like the one about the boy who called his parents and asks if he can bring home a friend from the war with only one arm and a leg, then, after they say no, he jumps off the a city apartment roof in San Fransisco. When his parents heard, the police told them that their son was the one with out an arm and a leg. They didn't know that he was talking about himself. The moral is supposed to be not to judge people by the way they look or their disabilities. That's that type of thing Carol can't help but feel sad about... And I don't blame her.

Carol welcomes me with a smile whenever I stop by her house unexpected. (Almost ALWAYS she's on the computer.) Sometimes I go just to get out of the house, even if it means watching her type - which isn't a bad thing, it's fun to see some of the things she works on. She hass learned faster than I ever would have imagined about computers and then net. She taught me almost everything she knows anout them, and I teach her a few things I happen to learn myself she she doesn't know how to do. (That usually doesn't happen often...)She was the one that helped me learn to design my pages, and I thank her for that, and for always being there to talk to and give me hugs when I need them. Thank you Carol Sumner for being such a wonderful person! Always, Jas

Please click on the above image to visit Carol's WONDERFUL pages - they are admired by the best!

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