All About Me
(Geez, don't ya just love these things?!?)

Well hey there,
hmm....... well I told you I'd tell you more about myself so here goes........

My name is Melanie Bennett, I'm 23 years old and I live in Corner Brook, Newfoundland where I've lived my whole life. It's not a very big city
(only about 20-25 thousand people live here).
Not a bad place to live though. I am also doing my first year of a Computer Support Specialist program at The College Of The North Atlantic !!!
I spend most of my time just hanging out with my friends, partying or whatever ! But when I'm not doing that I love to play sports (especially soccer, b-ball or hockey) and I like swimming, camping, skating, biking is ok too and reading can be ok too as long as the book is a good one. Oh, and I like watching movies too, especially horror ones but my absolute favorite movie is Titanic.
Oh, and when I graduate I'd like to go to university and hopefully pursue and career in either mathematics or maybe something to do with computers.

Well that about sums me up !

My Grade 12 Cap & Gown Pic
Recent Pics of Me

Pics of Me