
~Broken Promises~

I love you mom, I love you dad.
The divorce you are getting is making me sad.
I promise you both I won't be bad.
I'll be good. I'll do things right.
Daddy, are you gonna come and get me tonight?
I'll be ready daddy.
I have my bags packed.
I'll bring my school papers to show you daddy.
They're in my back pack.
I'm so excited daddy.
I have waited all week.
If I am extra good daddy can I sit in the front seat?
I'll be quiet daddy. I won't make a sound.
I promise I will behave when your friends are around.

Friday is here daddy ....it's getting late.
I love you daddy,I will wait.
I know you'll come to get me daddy.
You promised me, I am watching for you daddy.
I am counting on you;
but my eyes are filling with tears.
It's ok daddy, I will wipe them clear.
Momma asked me why I was crying daddy.
She asked me why I am sad.
I told her the movie I was watching was very sad.
I do this daddy, and then she won't get mad.

I am sitting here daddy, I am ready to go.
I know you'll be here daddy; you promised me so.
It's awfully late daddy, and I am still at home.
Are you gonna come daddy?
Please call me on the phone.
It's Saturday now daddy. Momma said you called.
It seems you had to work late daddy;
and then you had to go to the mall.
It's ok daddy. I understand.
I will hold my chin up daddy and try to be a man.
I'll try harder this week daddy;
just you wait and see.

I know you'll come for me daddy, you promised me.
Remember the puppy you promised me daddy?
You said it was a "special kind".
I'm still waiting for it daddy.
You say it's hard to find.
Oh! and daddy, I have been saving my pennies,
and nickels and dimes.
You promised to take me shopping daddy
as soon as you can find the time.
There's one thing daddy; one this is true;
'I will always love you daddy.
I promise you.....
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