A rose is but a flower
that can die upon the vine
But Love is something
that can last a lifetime

A rose is a rose, it withers and dies
A friendship needs love, in order to thrive
A true friend is one who stands by your side
in the happiest days, and when you have cried
So let your friends know that you will be there
To let them know that you will always care

Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!

Children Are Worth Saving Web Site

Hi there!!..Well this is my very first time at doing a home page so bear with me!!...A little about myself...I am Cherokee Indian and Irish...just a tad past forty....As you can see I love flowers especially roses...I also collect miniture lighthouses..I also collect Angels...and anything to do with TAZZ...I enjoy Dancing, partying, and going out with the girls..I'm into stock car racing and really enjoy drag racing where I beat all the men!! ( they hate that too)..I love to watch Nascar...Dale Earnhardt is my favorite driver, the kid (Gordon) is pretty good also. I enjoy chating on my computer till the wee hours of the morning!!..You can usually find me at the Nude Beach on the first floor under the handles...little T...Naughtiest Angel...Heavens Little Angel....I love football...(Dallas fan here)...I also like the Bulls...I am also a Dodger's fan...But you know the thing I love the most is to sit with someone you care about and watch the is even better if they are there to watch it rise again the next morning...Just like to say I have met a lot of really nice people on this thing and hope to meet with them very soon!!...As you can see I am always changing things on my page...adding new names all the if your name isn't here please let me know. Please sign my guest book as you leave...

© 1997











Now a little about me and my family. My name is Terry. My friends know me as little T. I was born in Bakersfield, Californina. I live in Ridgecrest, California. I have five kids.*two are stepchildren* They are Randy..Brandy..Dawn..Trina..and Mandy. These are the best kids anyone could ask for. They have blessed me with nine grandchildren...(Randy's)...Cody and Lil Randy..(Brandy's)...Kayla and AJ...(Dawn's)...Shania, Donald and Joe ..Dannie (Trina's).. and Devon (Mandys). These grandchildren are the pride and joy of my life. They are spoiled rotten. Randy is in the Navy. He is stationed in Key West, Florida. Brandy lives in Texas. Dawn lives in Fresno, California. Trina and Mandy both live in Ridgecrest also. I also have an adopted daughter. Her name is Edith. She has three children. I love to ride horses. I have a Chow..guess you could say he is my baby now...I love camping and the water...I love the outdoors..

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