*note: the sidebar add can be collapsed by clicking the small arrow in its top left corner
mimirs well
phantom pixy
Mimir's Well A forum where the curious can gather to ask questions or post their comments about the beliefs of the ancient Norse. Maybe if you feel up to it you could respond to one left by someone else.
Realms Take a tour through the realms of Norse mythology with me (loki) as your personal guide. Or maybe you would prefer to sit down and listen to old Gylfe tell a tale or two.
Gods - a genealogical table of the gods -
A keyword searchable encyclopedia giving brief descriptions of the Norse Gods and major events.
Eddas The stories (both poems and prose) that we get most of our information about the Norse Gods from.
Links Links to some of the sites I used to help me build this one, some Norse related ones as well as a few I just found interesting.

Some original poems by a friend. I think they're good and worth reading.
Wallpaper Desktop Wallpaper I've made using Photoshop6, most featuring different Anime characters I've found online. As I grow bored with what I have new ones will be made and added to the collection.
Chatroom A real time chatroom that is open for all to use.
Guestroom Just a way for me to see who's visited my web site. I hope you take the time to sign it and leave your comments. One of the two will be working (I hope).



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