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Galadrìel's Page

[ Hello and welcome to my page! I did start it a couple of years ago, and don't really have any reason for leaving it here anymore other than the fact I like to work on it in my free time. So anyway, here it is. Feel free to sign my guestbook (scroll halfway down this page to do so). Arigatoo!! ]

australian flagYes, it's the Australian flag. The constellation is the Southern Cross and the seven-pointed star represents the states and territories - one point for each state and one for the territories. As for the other red and white thingy...well I dunno what that is. Oh yeah! Wait! I know what that is - the Union Jack ; ) It would be nice to see Australia become a republic though. ..none of this British Queen business. Perhaps a flag like this would then be more appropriate.

F E A T U R I N G--Q U O T E:
Empty your mind of everything.
Let the Mind rest at peace.
All things rise and fall
while the self watches their return
They grow and flourish,
and then return to the source.

Returning to the source is stillness,
which is the way of nature.

Tao Te Ching, Book 16.
M Y---A R T
I enjoy painting and drawing very much, you can go to my art page and check out some of what I have done. It does need updating (i.e. some of my recent stuff put in there), but I'll get around to that soon enough. Comments are welcome. Enjoy =).

I enjoy reading and writing poetry too. On my poetry
page you'll find an assortment of my favorite poems, aswell as the poems of friends. If you've written any poetry and would like for it to be on my page, feel free to mail me.

The font was used on parts of this page, if you don't have it you can download it here.

Comments? Anything you particularly liked or disliked about my page? If so, or if you've found an open tag/broken link etc, you can email me here: alatariel@distantshore.com or leave me a message in my guestbook.