Antonio Sabato Jr.

Antonio Sabato Jr. was born on February 29, 1972, in Rome, Italy. He moved to America with his family at age 12, in 1985.

Antonio is currently a model for Calvin Klein. He spends his spare time with his son Jack Sabato born August 6, 1994.

Antonio speaks English, Spanish and Italian. WOW!

Antonio would love to act with Barbra Streisand and Tom Cruise.

During an interview on "The View" September 19, 1997 Antonio said the following things

1. His destiny is to be a good person and to love God

2. His favourite two books are the Bible and The Celestine Phopecy

During an interview on AOL June 24, 1997 Antonio described himself with these three words: honest, loving and careful. (What more could a woman want?)

Antonio's Obsessions

1. Cars drive him wild--especially Porches and Ferraris. "Cars are like toys to me--they're just really cool stuff."

2. He's a major Batman-freak. "One of my favourite things that I have is a leather jacket that I had made with the Batman-sign on the back. It's my Batman-suit."

3. He can't resist roller-coasters--which is a very good thing, because while filming the TV movie "Thrill", he had to ride one 30 times a day!

4. He totally digs diving. He's even a certified diver--which came in superhandy playing an exNavy SEAL in "Wolverine".

5. He wears nothing but Calvin Klein underwear--both briefs and boxers. "Now I have a really good amount of them. Calvin Klein was very generous to me."

Confessions Of A Love God

Here are some of Antonio's most intimate romance secrets

Thanx to Kita for some of the contents on this page.

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