Ryan Phillippe

Matthew Ryan Phillippe was born on September 10, 1974 in New Castle, Deleware, USA.

He has three sisters, Kirsten, Lindsay, and Katelyn..

He's married to actress Reese Whitherspoon, they got married June 5, 1999.

Reese is currently pregnant, and is expected to give birth to their baby daughter this autumn.

Ryan Info

Mini Biography

Ryan's acting career began with the soap opera, One Life to Live. It was no small role; his character, Billy Douglas, was daytime television's first gay teenager. Billy struggled with coming out issues and the town's anti-gay reactions. After several other television appearances and some small roles in movies, Ryan began starring in movies of his own, Nowhere (1995), White Squall (1996) and I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997). .

Poster picture from the exellent movie "Cruel Intentions"

You can write to Ryan at:
Ryan Phillippe
c/o BWR
9100 Wilshire Blvd.
6th Floor, West Tower
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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