"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,

for thereby some have entertained

angels unawares."

Hebrews 13:2


Seems I am so earnest in asking

And so slow to say, "Thank You"

I pray for an answer, And am surprised when it comes

You have never forsaken me

Or given me more than I could bear

Why can't I learn to trust you in all things?

Why don't I remember all Your answers from the past?

Thank you Jesus for listening

Even when I ask half-heartedly

For answering

When I don't have enough faith to rely solely on you

For reaching down to me in love

When I push you so far away

You've promised to walk beside me, come what may

To love me, guide me and be my Best Friend

Thank you Jesus for showing me once again

You're promises are true

And, Jesus, thanks for being You

~By Laurie O'Neal~

Thank you Laurie for sharing this beautiful poem from the heart.




Once the package of friendship

has been opened,

it can never be closed.

It is a constant book always written...

waiting to be read...

and enjoyed.

We may have our disagreements...

we may argue...

we may concern one another...

friendship is a unique bond...

that lasts through it all...

A part of me is put into my friends...

some it is my humor...

some it is my listening ear

some it is real life experiences...

some it is my romanticism...

but with all, it is friendship

Friendships forged are a construct,

Stronger than steel built as a foundation...

Necessary for Life...

and Necessary for Love.

Friends, you and me...

you brought another friend...

and then there were 3...

We started our group...

Our Circle of Friends...

and like that Circle...

there is no beginning or end....

~author DiamondLisa~

"Are We Friends ?"

Written with a pen,

Sealed with a Kiss

If you are my Friend

Please answer this:

Are we friends,

Or are we not?

You told me once,

But I forgot.

So tell me now,

And tell me true.

So I can say.......

"I'm here for you."

Of all the friends

I've ever met,

Your're the one

I won't forget.

And if I die,

Before you do,

I'll go to heaven

And wait for you.

~Author DiamondLisa~


(Down Syndrome Birth)

As beautiful angels wings were flying over the streets of gold,

the baby angels could only watch since they weren't very old.

Then one day God stopped to talk to a little one without wings,

He said, "your day will come soon and all the angels will sing".

Confused yet excited the little one said to the Lord,

"But I'm different from the others God and not a miracle to behold".

"Oh, but yes you are," He said with a hug and smile on his face.

"You're the greatest gift I can give and a loving home you will grace".

You mean, tho I'm different and will never be beautiful or smart

Someone will want me and give me a place in their heart?"

"Gee God.....that person must be special to be glad to have me,

Cause most folks would frown and upset they would be."

God said, "your little heart was filled with more love than most.

Cause I knew this family would love you and hold you real close.

So go my little angel and take the greatest gift I can bestow.

Your that "special" angel few people have the honor to know."

~By Sandy Eakle~

As two ships passing in the night,

So quietly neath the stars soft light;

Our paths cross but now and then

Reaching out, seeking one another again.

We say hello and then we part,

Knowing we've shared a piece of our heart.

Some friendships stay and sadly some go.

My prayers remain steady hoping ours will grow.

I ache when you're hurting,

I cry when you're sad.

Wanting to comfort and hold you so bad.

Know that I'm waiting here, with open arms,

To share all your troubles and relish your charms.

I have nothing to offer but the soul of a friend,

Strong shoulders to lean on that don't easily


I offer these freely with no strings attached,

For in caring and sharing you'll not meet my


So on some long and lonely night

When nothing seems to go just right

Close your eyes and think of me,

Under the moon's glow is where I'll be.

Author DiamondLisa

Safe Driver

Are you a safe driver?

Click on the angel to find out!

This is not about my son,

but someone else's precious little boy.

This story touched my heart so much

that I decided to help this mother spread the news.

We Must Keep Our Roads Safe!


Please come back soon,

this is only the beginning.

I have so many more beautiful thing's to add.

Also, my friend TexasCountry has asked me to

help him write a song using some of my poetry.

This will be a first for me.

I'll keep you up to date on how this goes :)

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