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You know, it's not only women who are suckers for romance. Men like it, too
-- sure, a lot of us will roll our eyes and pretend to be macho if you ask us
about it, but not too far down we enjoy the flowers, chocolate, and gifts (and
we don't feel bad about sending them, either!).

About Me!

Location: Bronx N.Y.
Employment: Federal Agent
Ethnicity: Jamaican, Filipino
Religion: Christian
Profile: non-smoke ,light social-drinker
Description:6'0", 180lbs, Scorpio

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How would I describe a romantic evening?
Well, I'm one of those old school guys.
I think a nice dinner (probably Italian) and a movie
(probably a romantic comedy
or a thriller-so you can hold on to me)
are a good place to start.
If we're still feeling ready to go,
it's off to dancing -- I can still get my dance on.
And after that? All I'll say is: I don't
kiss on the first date.
(Unless you are really feeling me.... )

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